Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 35: Silverthorne to Walden

Saturday brought us through an incredible variety of Colorado's terrain. As we departed Silverthorne, the high rockies faded behind us and we followed the Blue River into Colorado's northern brushland. After a scenic tour around Green Mountain reservoir, we turned East (seemingly the wrong direction!) at Kremmling and headed through Byer's Canyon to lunch in Hot Sulphur Springs. It was too hot and too expensive to soak in the springs, so we loaded up on extra water and continued another sixty miles over the gorgeous, aptly named, and surprisingly quiet Willow Creek Pass. Though the climb was relatively easy, the day's 120 miles took their toll on me, and I struggled to keep moving the final flat 20 miles into Walden.
Upon arrival in Walden, I downed a protein shake from the gas station, perking me up quite a bit, and we made camp in City Park. Sonja and Alix set up their tent near the baseball diamond, and I spent the night in the park's gazebo with another cyclist, Kevin from London, who was on his way south.
Sonja at Green Mountain Reservoir

Alix and Sonja in Byer's Canyon

A keyhole in a geologic dyke on Willow Creek Pass 
The dyke on Willow Creek Pass

The mountains, the mountains!

The last twenty miles to Walden 
Sunset in Walden

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