Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 20

The morning continued the epicly steep ups and downs we'd begun experiencing a few days earlier. The map describes this section, quite accurately as a "self propelled rollercoaster." It was hard and steep, and also lots of fun. Alix got up to about 45mph; Sonja to about 43.

It flattened out a bit after our breakfast stop and we enjoyed the truly rolling hills the rest of the day. 

Most of the views were obfuscated by trees, so this one was a rare treat

We spent a lot of today scheming about what to do for the fourth. How could we get invited to a picnic? Could we stand by the watermelon in the grocery store and make small talk related to picnics with everyone until we got an invite? What if the town didn't have a grocery store... Then, it turned out that the schemes were totally unnecessary: Sonja was invited to a party within a few minutes of arriving in town, while standing and stretching outside of a gas station.

Isn't this what you expect a backyard pool to look like?

The man who invited us apparently is really well off, and enjoys partying with everyone, inviting lots of people over, letting people fish in his pool/pond, etc. Everyone at the party was excellent (of course), and in so many different ways. One woman was hula hooping, kids (us included) were jumping in the water, everyone was sitting around talking and eating. The food was varied and delicious, too---traditional potato salad, hot dogs, and watermelon, plus some excellent surprises (tabbuleh!).

Fireworks over the pool/pond

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